Subscribe to my RSS Feed

Subscribing to RSS Feeds are easy and a great way to stay up to date while saving time.

By subscribing to this feed you will stay up to date when new updates have been made to the website, the blog, or any special promotions.

Copy and paste the following code or drag the RSS icon into your favorite RSS Reader/Aggregator.

Eric Benoit Web Designer RSS Feed

Eric Benoit RSS Feed

What are RSS Feeds?

RSS stands for “Really Simple Syndication” or “Rich Site Summary”. RSS is a format used to syndicate news and the content of news-like sites, news-oriented community sites and personal weblogs.

How can I use RSS?

The best way to use RSS is with a program called a News Aggregator; which collects, updates and displays RSS feeds. This program will download/display RSS feeds for you. There are many free and commercial aggregators are available for download. Some aggregators are programs; while other services are web based.

Here are some choices when it comes to RSS Readers/Aggregators:

Mac OS X: NetNewsWire Lite
Windows: SharpReader
Web: Google Reader

Want to add an RSS Feed to your website?

RSS Feeds are a great addition to websites that periodically update content. Use RSS Feeds to keep your visitors coming back for more.

Contact me to learn more or to add RSS Feeds to your website.