Always A
Big Deal.
Project Highlights
- Campaign started regional went national
- Strong creative with fast turnaround
- Created from concept to completion
About The Project
A Dunkin’ Donuts Regional Manager started working on a regional campaign called “Dunkin’ Deals”. The campaign would include 4-color newspaper ad inserts, direct mail postcards and store coupons. The Regional Manager needed the creative to pitch the idea for approval, in only two days. Many headlines were written but narrowed down to two which were used for the newspaper ads and postcards. The pitch went more successful than anticipated, the campaign went national rather than strictly regional.
“BEAUTIFUL! That’s all I have to say... okay, maybe AWESOME too!”
Entire Portfolio: A collection of work from 2006-2011
TMLP Newport Private Dunkin’ Donuts Ronzio SwimEx Ad SwimEx DVD