Luxury Comes Standard. Just Add Water.
Project Highlights
- DVD requests rose 35% through the website
- Measured every pubs conversion for optimized media buying
- Quality of leads increased, time spent per lead decreased
About The Project
The magazine ads for SwimEx were just one piece of the marketing strategy. The publications in the media buy ranged from pool oriented, to government, to fitness, to luxury homes. Since the publications were so diverse it was necessary to write targeted headlines for each. Enough headlines were written and approved that we were able to rotate new headlines throughout the year. This helped keep the ads fresh and to test which headline created a better response with readers.
“BTW, I LOVE the ad, beautiful and classy!”
Entire Portfolio: A collection of work from 2006-2011
TMLP Newport Private Dunkin’ Donuts Ronzio SwimEx Ad SwimEx DVD