Grow Upward, Not Outward.

Project Highlights

  • Quickly communicates the product and its benefits
  • Bounce rate decreased 18% with new design
  • Satisfied client led to a referral with new business

About The Project

ShelfPlus had an outdated site, built for 800x600 pixel monitors. The new design better utilizes the space that todays standard monitors provide. Quickly communicating the product and what it does was the first goal. Breaking the homepage into clear modules helped visitors better understand the product. The success of our second goal was dependant on the first, getting visitors to request the free info pack. The projects succes was judged by the amount of requests, so the requests are monitored using Google Analytics to track the amount and source of leads.

Contact Me Before & After
  • Boston Web Design ShelfPlus
  • Boston Web Design ShelfPlus
  • Boston Web Design ShelfPlus
“This will be a big improvement to our existing website.”
Entire Portfolio: A collection of work from 2006-2011

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