Save Time. Invoice Online.

Project Highlights

  • Noticeable increase in gaining new customers
  • Clear communication of product, its benefits and audience
  • Satisfied client led to designing web & iphone applications

About The Project

Smart Invoice was in serious need of a new web presence, a complete overhaul. This required a team of specialists; a copywriter, designer, developer and an online strategist. With the CEO on board and working closely with the team, we quickly began molding and churning out the new website. The new design clearly explains the product, its benefits, the audience it can help and a simple call-to-action. All have made a big improvement in gaining new customers versus the previous design. There were many phases of the project (and revisions), all with tight deadlines, all with high expectations... nothing new in the world of being a web designer.

Smart Invoice
Design, Headline Writing, Strategy
Visit Website Before & After
  • Boston Web Design Smart Invoice
  • Boston Web Design Smart Invoice
  • Boston Web Design Smart Invoice
“Great job on this, Eric! I love how you are consistently able to take feedback (even poorly described feedback!) and integrate it into a coherent design.”
Entire Portfolio: A collection of work from 2006-2011

Smart Invoice SwimEx