What’s 5x9 But Never Ends.

Project Highlights

  • Modern design more in line with existing brand image
  • Reorganized homepage information for easier reading
  • Stronger call-to-action for increased conversions

About The Project

Over time, the existing SwimEx commercial website expanded to the point where the design couldn’t fit any more pieces successfully. It was now time to go back to the drawing board and rethink the content, its organization and the design. This gave an opportunity to refine the design and how SwimEx would present itself visually. The new design has a modern yet fresh feel, matching their product line. Along with a lighter and brighter design, the content became more succinct, helping visitors better understand the product and the sites navigation. In the end, the redesign didn’t get approved. Can’t win them all.

Design, Information Architecture
Contact Me Before & After
  • Boston Web Design SwimEx
  • Boston Web Design SwimEx
  • Boston Web Design SwimEx
“In less than 6 months our website DVD requests have risen 35%. You did what you said you would do and more.”
Entire Portfolio: A collection of work from 2006-2011

Smart Invoice SwimEx